Scrapbook of Meticulousness Server EU10 Valuables Amulets Rings Talismans Warrior Weapons Shields Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Mage Weapons Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Scout Weapons Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Legendary
EyeDirtPotted PlantHalf-eaten SandwichKing's WigFake MustacheThimbleRed HerringHoly GrailGlossy MagazineQuality DungStumbling BlockChicken WingHalf SwordKetchupFlimsy SomethingMysterious ArtifactSilver SpoonNail ClipperGordian BraCrumpled PaperFunny NoseBand-AidPlungerCool GlassesIcky Cotton BudDick's SkullMarvin's SkullOscar's SkullPacifierBoltUseless StickRazor BladeBrunoTriangleCubesWisdom ToothTreasure Map of Empty PromisesThe Forbidden BookEpic Bathroom Tissue of SuperiorityHilarious Pocket ExplosionDavid the Talking Zombie HeadDemonic Key ChainHello Doggy DollVoodoo Doll of BriberyPushy GroupieToast of the CreatorBlack HoleDragon EggsSweet SourSack PresentsEpic LunchReally Impressive StoneTriumphant Trump CardInflatable BowelsSweet Temptation