Scrapbook of Meticulousness Server EU10 Valuables Amulets Rings Talismans Warrior Weapons Shields Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Mage Weapons Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Scout Weapons Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Legendary
WristbandCloth GlovesComfy GlovesFur GlovesLeather GlovesHunting GlovesReinforced GlovesArcher's GlovesArmored GlovesGlory GlovesGloves of the Bat GuyBush Stalker's Gloves of the Bush StalkerDemon Massacre GlovesBracers of the Barbarian KingBurning Fire Gloves of HellFreddy's Murderer GlovesGhastly Hand ParasitesThe Snooty Person's Expensive Leather GlovesEquipment of Self-destructionFluffy MittensFreddy's Finger DingsGloves of ContemplationVery Good GloveModel ZX-12Nimble-fingered Fiddling HelperManatiniLove Spiral