Magic Shop is a place where you can find jewelry as well as other items such as Scrapbook, potions and hourglasses. In addition, from level 70 on, you can also find the key to the 6th dungeon here. Items can be bought for gold, but some of them, such as artifacts or the Potion of Eternal Life, may require some mushrooms. The pet Watnake may also appear here for purchase.

The items in the Magic Shop change daily at midnight, but you can also refresh the available items using mushroom.

After reaching level 66, it is possible to go from here to the Witch by clicking on the inconspicuous book on the right.

Gabinet magii


Potions give us a bonus to statistics such as strength or luck, for each stat there are 3 variants that give us a 10, 15 and 25% stat bonus, respectively. There is another potion in the game - Potion of Eternal Life, which, unlike other potions, gives us a bonus of + 25% HP, usually its price includes mushrooms, but there is a chance for it to appear in the store only for gold. Below is a table with potions and the character levels from which they can be found in the store.

Icon Name Bonus Level
Potion of the Jar Opener +10% strength 1
Potion of the Arm Wrestler +15% strength 15
Potion of the Weightlifter +25% strength 30
Potion of the Yo-Yo Player +10% dexterity 1
Potion of the Chopstick Warrior +15% dexterity 15
Potion of the Slamdunker +25% dexterity 30
Potion of the Barfly +10% intelligence 1
Potion of the Nerd +15% intelligence 15
Potion of the Particle Physicist +25% intelligence 30
Potion of the Stair Climber +10% constitution 1
Potion of the Ranger +15% constitution 15
Potion of the Long Distance Runner +25% constitution 30
Potion of the Consolartion Prize Winner +10% luck 1
Potion of the Raffle Winner +15% luck 15
Potion of the Jackpot Winner +25% luck 30
Potion of Eternal Life +25% HP 1