Scrapbook of Meticulousness Server EU10 Valuables Amulets Rings Talismans Warrior Weapons Shields Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Mage Weapons Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Scout Weapons Armors Boots Gloves Helmets Belts Legendary
Grimy HoovesOld GlovesNew GlovesElegant GlovesChain GlovesWarrior's GlovesKnight's GlovesChieftain's GlovesHeroic GlovesDragon ChokerChromatic Chrome GlovesFlame Steel GlovesGolden Obesity GlovesGloves of the Swiss ArmyGloves of Boundless WickednessIron Boxing GlovesGloves of the Bread CutterDemonic Tentacle GlovesMysterious GlovesFluffy MittensFreddy's Finger DingsGloves of ContemplationFierce GauntletRazor-sharp GlovesPreciousplatepomppawManatiniHeart Beaters