Happy New Year 2023
The year 2022 is coming to an end, which means we'll soon be celebrating and welcoming the upcoming New Year 2023.
On this occasion, during New Year's Eve and on 1.01, you can catch the pet - Etrock. Don't miss this opportunity because the next chance to get this pet will be in a year.

For New Year's Eve, a special Fireworks Package is also available in the game's shop (the price of the package may vary depending on the platform/country).

In addition to that, other attractions await you throughout the New Year's Eve weekend, from 30.12 to 1.01. The list is as follows:
Epic Shopping Spree Extravaganza
Event available for 50+ level players.- 5x chance for epic items in shops and quests
- pet Knilight can be found during event
Epic Quest Extravaganza
- Guaranteed epic item for using 100 thirst
- Second epic item after using all (300) thirst
Epic Good Luck Extravaganza
- chance for epic item in dice game
- increased chance for epic item from Wheel of Fortune
Sands of Time Special
- 10x hourglasses
in Magic Shop
- 2x hourglasses
from gambler
- hourglasses
can be found during quests in sand locations
Exceptional XP Event
- 2x XP for quests
- 2x XP for daily missions
- 2x XP for Arena fights
- 2x XP from the academy in Fortress
- 2x XP from the Wheel of Fortune
- pet - Luchtablong can be found during event
Fantastic Fortress Festivity
- wood
and stone
can be found during quests
- only biggest gems in gem mine
- 2x faster recruiting units in fortress
- 2x wood
and stone
from Wheel of Fortune
- 2x wood
and stone
from gambler
Lucky Day
- Lucky coins
can be found during quest
- 40 Wheel of Fortune spins instead of 20
- 20 dice game attempts instead of 10
New Year's Sale
- Dealer has special pack available only during this event
- 20% more mushrooms
at dealer
- greater chance for finding mushrooms during quests